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Sambata, 27 Iulie 2024
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Cazare ieftina in Bucuresti

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  Ambasade in Bucuresti
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Tudor Arghezi nr. 7-9
Telefon: 210.40.42, 210.01.49, 210.63.84
Fax: 210.03.95
Ambasador: Dl. Michael Guest
Consulat: Bucuresti, Str. N. Filipescu nr. 26
Fax: 211.33.60
Program: Luni-Vineri 8.00-17.00
E-mail: [email protected]
Telefon: 210 40 42 / 411
Fax: 211 33 60
Biroul de informatii al ambasadei din Cluj-Napoca
Str. Universitatii nr. 79
Telefon: 064-19.38.15
Fax: 064-19.38.68
Ambasada Regatului Unit al Marii Britanii
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Jules Michelet, nr.24
Telefon: Visa (40) (21) 201 7300, Main (40) (21) 201 7200
Fax: (40) (21) 2017317
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - joi: 8:30 � 13:00 , 14:00 � 17:00, vineri: 8:30 � 13:30
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Quinton Mark QUAYLE
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Duiliu Zamfirescu NR.7
Telefon: 021-211.98.29
Fax: 021-210.80.39
Ambasador: E.S.Dl. Leonidha MERTIRI
Program: Luni - Vineri 8.00-16.00
Consulat: Luni, Miercuri, Vineri 10.00 - 13.00
E-mail: [email protected]
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Blv. Lascar Catargiu NR. 29
Telefon: 021-212.41.85
Fax: 021-211.56.95
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S.Dl. Mohamed LAICHOUBI
Program: Luni - Vineri 8.30-16.30
Cancelaria: BUCURESTI, Str. Polona nr. 6, Sector 1
Telefon: 021 210 91 09; 021 210 92 21
Fax: 021 210 70 93; 021 212 12 57
Ambasador: Dl. Ahmad M. AL-ZUGHAIBI
Program: Luni - Vineri 9.00-15.00
Cancelaria: BUCURESTI, Str. Drobeta NR. 11
Telefon: (0040-21) 233.91.75; 233.91.76
Sectia consulara: 0040-21)233.91.75; 233.91.76
Fax: (0040-21) 233.91.77
Ambasador: E.S.Dna. Diana T.BERRUHET
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-14.00
Cancelaria: BUCURESTI, str.Calotesti nr.1, et.1, ap.2, Sector 3
Telefon: (0040-21) 312.59.30
Fax: (0040-21) 321.56.79
Sectia consulara: (0040-21)321.56.79 Fax: (0040-21) 321.56.79
Ambasador: Dna. Karine KAZINIAN
Program: Luni - vineri: 10.00-13.00;
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Dumbrava Rosie nr. 7
Telefon: (0040-1) 210.43.54; 210.93.77; 210.02.71
Fax: (0040-1) 210.08.85
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S.Dl.: Dr. Christian Zeileissen
Sectia consulara: Bucuresti, Str. Vasile Lascar nr 51, Sector 2
Telefon: (0040-1) 210.16.01; 210.39.33
Fax: (0040-1) 210.16.82
Program: Luni - Vineri: 9.00-11.00
E-mail: [email protected]
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, str. Ion Caragea Voda nr. 23 , Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 211.30.44; 211.05.17
Fax: (0040-21) 211.05.13
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - vineri 9.00-18.00
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Eldar HASANOV
Sectia consulara: Program: 10.00-13.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Sos. Kiseleff nr. 55
Telefon: (0040-21) 223.17.76; 223.35.10
Fax: (0040-21) 223.17.63
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-13.00; 14.00-18.00
Ambasador: E.S.Dl. Grigori Leonidovici KISEL
Sectia consulara:Bucuresti, Sos. Kiseleff nr. 55 , vila 6, sector 1
Telefon: 223.17.76
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-13.00; 14.00-18.00

Ambasada BELGIEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, B-dul Dacia 58, Sector 2
Telefon: (0040-1) 210.29.69; 210.29.70
Fax: (0040-1) 210.28.03
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - joi: 9.00-13.00; 14.30-17.00; Vineri: 9.00-15.00
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Philippe Roland
Sectia consulara: Bucuresti, B-dul Dacia 58, Sector 2
Telefon:(0040-1) 210.29.68; 212.36.80;
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.30-11.00
Program telefonic: Luni- joi : 14.30-16.30
Ambasada Republicii Federative a BRAZILIEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str.Praga nr. 11
Telefon: (0040-21) 230.11.30, 230.78.25;
Fax: :(0040-21) 230.15.99
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-13.00
Ambasador: E.S.Dl. Jos� Jeronimo MOSCARDO de SOUZA
Ambasada Republicii BULGARIA
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Rabat nr. 5
Telefon: (0040-21) 230.21.50, 230.21.59;
Fax: (0040-21) 230.76.54
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-12.30; 14.00-17.00
Ambasador: E.S.Dl. Nikolai Milkov
Ambasada CANADEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. N.Iorga nr 36.
Telefon: (0040-21) 307 50 00
Fax: (0040-21) 307.50.15
E-mail: [email protected]
Program:Luni - joi: 9.00-17.00; Vineri: 8.30-14.00
Ambasador: H.E. Dl. Franco D. PILLARELLA
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Ion Ghica nr.11, Sector 3
Telefon: (0040-21) 303.92.30;
Fax: (0040-21) 312.25.39
Program: Luni - vineri: 8.00-16.30
Ambassador: Dl. Radek PECH
Sectia consulara: Bucuresti, Str. Ion Ghica nr.11, Sector 3
Telefon: (0040-21) 313.11.40, 315.92.32
Program de lucru cu publicul si vize: Luni, miercuri si vineri: 8.30-11.30
Ambasada Republicii CHILE
Cancelaria: 704 181 Bucuresti, Str.Sevastopol, nr.13-17, ap.111, Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 312.72.39; 312.73.11
Fax: (0040-21) 312.72.46
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-16.00
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Manuel Enrique Hinojosa Munoz
Sectia consulara: Bucuresti, Str.Sevastopol, nr.13-17, ap.111, Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 312.73.11
E-mail: E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - joi: 9.00-13.00; Vineri: 9.00-11.00
Ambasada Republicii Populare CHINEZE
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Sos. Nordului nr. 2
Telefon: (0040-21) 232.88.58
Fax: (0040-21) 233.06.84
Program:Luni - vineri: 8.30-15.00
Ambasador: E.S. Mr. Chen Delai
Sectia consulara: Bucuresti, Sos. Nordului nr. 2
Telefon: (0040-21) 232.97.44
Program: Marti, Vineri: 8.30-12.00
Ambasada Republicii Democratice CONGO
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Blv. Pache Protopopescu NR. 14
Telefon: 021-210.54.98 GSM: 0740-808 009
Ambasador: Dl. Georges AMBARA
Cancelaria: Bucharest, 6 Nordului sos., Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 232.96.65;
Fax: (0040-21) 232.96.65;
Ambasador: E.S.Mr. Kim Su Bok
Sectia consulara:
Telefon: (0040-21) 232.96.65
Program: Luni - vineri: 8.00-12.00; 13.00-17.00
Cancelaria: Bucharest, 14 Mircea Eliade Blv.
Telefon: (0040-21) 230.71.98
Fax: (0040-21) 230.76.29
Ambasador: E.S..Mr. Kim Eui Ki
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-12.30; 14.00-17.00
Ambasada Republicii CROATIA
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str Calea Dorobantilor nr. 18, sector 1
Telefon: 021-211.26.12; 021-211.76.15
Fax: 021-211.89.45
Ambasador: E.S.Dl. Zeljko Kupresak
Sectia consulara:
Telefon: (0040-21) 313.03.69
Program: Luni, miercuri, vineri: 10.00-14.00
Ambasada Republicii CUBA
Cancelaria: Bucuresti,Str. Mihai Eminescu Nr.44-48, et.2, ap.5, Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 211.87.39; 211.87.95;
Fax: :(0040-21) 211.89.16
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S.Dl. Lazaro Mendez CABRERA
Program: Marti si vineri: 9.00-12.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Dr.Burghelea nr 3
Telefon: (0040-21) 312.03.52; 312.03.53; 312.03.54; 312.03.55; 312.03.56
Fax: (0040-21) 312.03.58
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: H.E. Mr. Ole Harald Lisborg
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-16.00
Sectia consulara: Program: Luni - Joi: 9.30-10.30
Ambasada Republicii EGYPT
Cancelaria: Bucharest, Blv. Dacia nr. 21
Telefon: (0040-21) 211.09.38, 211.09.39
Fax: (0040-21) 210.03.37
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S.Ms. Wafaa Ashraf Moharram BASSIM
Program: Luni - vineri: 8.30-16.00
Vize: Program: Luni - vineri: 9.30-12.30
Cancelaria: 70152 Bucuresti, Str.Pitar Mos nr.12, Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 307.92.47; 307.92.51; 307.92.55
Fax: (0040-21) 210.03.24
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Mr. Francois CHAPPUIS
Program: Luni - joi: 8.15-12.15; 13.15-17.00
Vize: Program: Luni - vineri: 8.30-11.00
Ambasada Republicii FILIPINE
Cancelaria: 75 450 Bucuresti, Str.Carol Davila Nr.105-107,et.5, ap.10-11, Sector 5
Telefon: 021-637.42.58, 021- 637.42.66
Fax: 021-223.35.00
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Ms. Maria Rosario JANOLO
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-18.00
Sectia consulara: Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00 - 12.00
Cancelaria: Bucharest, 2 bis Atena Str.
Telefon: 021-230.75.04, 021-230.75.45
Fax: 021-230.75.05
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Ms. Pekka Matti HARTTILA
Program: Luni - vineri: 8.00-16.15
Ambasada FRANTEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Biserica Amzei nr. 13-15
Telefon: +40 - 21 303 10 00
Fax: +40 - 21 303 10 90
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Ms. Philippe ETIENNE
Program: Luni - vineri: 08.45 -12.45
Sectia consulara: 701 712 Bucuresti, STR. Intrarea Cristian Tell nr. 6 , Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 303.10.00
Fax: (0040-21) 303.10.78
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-18.30
Vize: 701 712 Bucuresti, STR. Intrarea Cristian Tell nr. 6
Fax: (00 401) 303.10.
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-18.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Gheorghe Demetriade nr. 6-8
Telefon: (0040-21) 202.98.30, 202.98.53; 230.28.30, 230.25.80, 230.26.80; 230.27.80, 230.26.45, 230.27.45
Fax: (0040-21) 230.58.46
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Wilfried GRUBER
Program: Marti - joi: 8.00-13.00; 13.30-16.30 Luni: 8.00-13.00; 13.30-17.00; Vineri: 8.00-14.00
Sectia consulara: 712 722 Bucuresti, Str. Rabat nr 19, Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-1) 230.03.32, 230.26.05
Fax: (0040-1) 230.21.55
Program: Luni - vineri: 8.00-12.00
Ambasada GRECIEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, str. Pache Protopopescu 1-3, Sector 2
Telefon: (0040-21)209.41.70-4
Fax: 209.41.75
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dna. Dora GROSSOMANIDOU
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-16.00
Sectia consulara:
Telefon: (0040-1)209.41.90/91/92
Fax: (0040-1) 209.41.93
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-13.00
Ambasada INDIEI
Cancelaria: >Bucuresti, str. Uruguay nr. 11 Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 222.54.51, 222.87.15
Fax: (0040-21) 223.26.81
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Ajai Malhotra
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-17.30
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - vineri:10.00-12.30
Cancelaria: 711 081 Bucuresti,Str Orlando nr.10 Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 312.07.42/43/44;
Fax: (0040-21) 312.02.14
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dna. Nuni Turnijati Djoko
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-13.00; 14.00-17.00
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - Joi: 10.00-12.00; 14.00-16.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str Vasile Lascar nr 42-44
Telefon: +40-21-2121560
Fax: +40-21-2121561
Ambasador: Dl. Brian McElduff
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Dumbrava Rosie nr. 1, Sector 2
Telefon: (0040-21) 210.47.05; 210.80.80
Fax: (0040-21) 210.03.20
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Abdel Latif Bawab
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-15.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Polona nr.8
Telefon: (0040-21) 211.08.35; 211.31.79
Fax: (0040-21) 210.04.77
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. SAAD HAMID MAJID
Program: Luni - vineri: 8.30-15.00
Sectia consulara: Program: Luni - vineri: 10.00-12.00; 14.00-16.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Blv. Lascar Catargiu .39
Telefon: (0040-21) 312.04.93, 312.04.94, 312.04.95
Fax: ((0040-21) 312.04.96
Ambasador: E.S. Mr.Aliakbar Farazy
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-12.30
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Blv. Dimitrie Cantemir nr. 1, bl. B-2
Telefon: (0040-21) 330.41.49 / 330.41.99
Fax: (0040-21) 021-3189402
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S.Dl. Sandu Mazor
Program: Luni-Joi : 9:00 - 11:00 Vineri: 9:00 - 10:30
Ambasada ITALIEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str Henri Coanda nr. 9
Telefon: (0040-21) 311.34.65, 311.34.70, 231.50.54, 312.96.73
Fax: (0040-21) 312.04.22; 312.42.69
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Stefano RONCA
Sectia consulara: Bucuresti, Str. Ion Mincu nr 12
Program: Luni - vineri: 8.30-13.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str Polona nr.4
Telefon: (0040-21)(0040-21)210.07.90/92
Fax: (0040-21) 210.02.72
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Hidekata MITSUHASHI
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-12; 15.00-16.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str Av. Traian Vasile nr. 76, Sector 1
Telefon: 021 665 78 28
Fax: 021 224 35 12
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Erik Zhussupov
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-12.00
Cancelaria: 011817 Bucuresti, Str. Andrei Muresanu nr.16, Sector 1
Telefon: (004) 021 230.81.75, (004) 021 230.81.76, (004) 021 230.81.77
Fax: (004) 021 230.81.79
Ambasador: E.S. Mr. Mohammed El Dib
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.30-13.30
Ambasada LIBIEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str Atena nr 38
Telefon: 021-230.92.05; 021-230.10.80
Fax: 021-230.75.34
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Abdel Majid EL KASSIR
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - vineri: 10.00-12.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Mihai Eminescu Nr.144, Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 210.08.80
Fax: 0040-21) 211.72.95
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Tibomir Ilievski
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - vineri: .00-12.00; 15.00-16.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str Mihai Eminescu NR. 124A
Telefon: 021-211.38.01; 021-211.38.02
Fax: 021-210.02.70
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Azizan Ismail
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - vineri:8.30-13.00; 14.00-16.15
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Bd Dacia Nr.75, Sector 2
Telefon: (0040-21)210.29.45
Fax: (0040-21)210.27.67
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl.Tahar NEJJAR
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.30-14.30
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Mihai Eminescu, nr.124C, ap.13-14
Telefon: 210.44.17 / 210.47.28 / 210.45.77
Fax: (0040-21)210.47.13
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Enrique FERNANDEZ ZAPATA
Program: Luni - joi: 9.00 - 13.00 vineri: 9.00 - 12.00
Ambasada Republicii MOLDOVA
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str Aleea Alexandru nr.40, Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21)212.04.74
Fax: (0040-21)230.77.90
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Emil CIOBU
Program: Luni - vineri: 8.00-17.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str.Orlando nr.9
Telefon: 021-650.40.50, 021-650.41.80
Fax: 021-312.06.22
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl.Magdiel Geno Supo SAMAKI
Program: Luni - vineri: 8.30-16.30
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str.Dumbrava Rosie nr.4,
Telefon: 210.02.74, 210.02.76, 210.02.77
Fax: 210.02.75
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Leif Arne ULLAND
E-mail: [email protected]
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - vineri: 10.00-12.00
Ambasada OLANDEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Aleea Alexandru 20 sector 1
Telefon: +40 (21) 208 60 30
Fax: +40 (21) 230 76 20
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl.Pieter Jan WOLTHERS
Program: Luni - joi: 8.30 � 13.00, 13.30 � 17.30, Vineri 8.30 � 13.00, 13.30 � 15.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Barbu Delavrancea nr. 22
Telefon: 222.57.36, 222.57.40
Fax: 222.57.37
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Nazar ABBAS
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - joi: 8.30-16.30; vineri 8.30-15.30
Ambasada Republicii PERU
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Sos. Kiseleff nr.18
Telefon: (0040-21) 223.12.53; 223.10.86
Fax: (0040-21) 223.10.88
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Jose Augusto TENORIO BENAVIDES
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-13.00;14.00-18.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Aleea Alexandru nr. 23 Sector 1
Telefon: (0040-21) 230.23.30; Protocol 230.26.19
Fax: (0040-21) 230.78.32
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Jacek PALISZEWSKI
Sectia consulara:
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-14.00
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, str. Paris nr 55
Telefon: +40 (21) 230 41 36
Fax: +40 (21) 230 41 17
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - vineri: 9:00 - 13:00; 14:30 - 17:30
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Alexandre VASSALO
Sectia consulara:
Telefon: +40 (21) 230 41 18
E-mail: [email protected]
Program: Luni - vineri: 9:30 - 12:30
Ambasada Statului QATAR
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Venezuela nr. 10A, sector 1
Phone: :(0040-21) 230.47.41, 230.79.33
Fax: (0040-21) 230.54.46
Program: Luni - vineri: 9.00-15.00
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Ali Sultan Mohamed AL-ZAMAN
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. C.A. Rosetti nr.35
Telefon: 311.16.04 / 311.03.34
Fax: 021-312.16.26
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Le Van Toan
Ambasada Republicii YEMEN
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Blv. Aviatorilor nr 50
Telefon: 021-231.32.72, 021-230.07.46
Fax: 021-230.76.79
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Abdelelah Mohamad M. AL-ERYANY
Ambasada RUSIEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Sos. Kiseleff nr 6
Telefon: (0040-21) 222.31.70; 222.34.59 (protocol); 223.16.52
Fax: (0040-21) 222.94.50
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Alexandr TOLKACI
Sectia consulara: Bucuresti,Srt. Tuberozelor nr 4
Telefon: (0040-21)222.13.89,
Fax: 222.64.05
E-mail: [email protected]
Cancelaria: Bucuresti,Str. Otetari, nr.3
Telefon: 312.68.22 / 312.68.23
Fax: 021-615.03.38, 312.24.35
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Jan SOTH
Ambasada SPANIEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Tirana nr. 1
Telefon:021-230.17.30, 021-230.02.88
Fax: 021-230.76.26
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Jesus Atienza SERNA
Ambasada SUEDIEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti,Str. Sofia nr 5
Telefon: 230.62.56
Fax: 021-230.76.26
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Karl Svante Kilander
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Vasile Conta nr 12
Telefon: 311.00.31 / 311.00.67 / 311.00.78
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Suriya ROSHANABUDDI
Ambasada TURCIEI
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Calea Dorobantilor Nr 72
Telefon: 210.02.79 / 210.37.15
Fax: 021-210.04.07
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. Omer ZEYTINOGLU
Cancelaria: Bucuresti, Str. Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota nr. 63-65
Telefon: 00-40-21-312-00-73, 00-40-21-311-00-62, 00-40-21-311-15-42
Fax: 00-40-21-312-04-67
E-mail: [email protected]
Ambasador: E.S. Dl. J�nos TER�NYI
Program: Luni - joi: 08.00 - 16.30 Vineri: 08.00 - 14.00
Acceptam:VISA, MasterCard,
VISA Electron & Maestro
Comentariile clientilor nostri:
angela (DOHA, QATAR) - 9/24/2007
First of all this is not a hotel, this is a villa, or a �pension�. They called themselves �hotel d�j� vu�, on the website where I booked my stay. And it�s far from what 5 stars should be. There are no 5 five stars hotels in Cluj, that�s for sure!!! Their website seems like a pretentious arty-farty presentation of an old villa, which was once renovated in what they called art-nouveau style. I am not going to comment any of that, this place is a joke. We�ve got a massive Internet bill, and you should watch out for that. They have an obscure system of counting how �much� Internet you�ve used (which they couldn�t explain). We were charged �mistakenly� for an extra bed, and if I didn�t go back and asked about it, they wouldn�t have mentioned anything. The room was clean when we arrived. However, it hadn�t been cleaned during our stay because, apparently they couldn�t find the key, which we basically left at the reception every morning. The dinning room needs renovation, in my view. There was a persisting tobacco smell (in this supposedly non-smoking area), stale atmosphere. The food was al right but, again, so not 5 stars! The location is nice, the villa is in a very quite area of the city, close to the central park, and the centre of the city. You need to walk about 20 minute to the nearest bus station though. There are better hotels in Cluj for this price. Just do your homework, make your research
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